“something to talk about”
Ok, so I gave that Twitter thing a try and seriously – it was waaayyy to much for me. I still think it’s a neat idea, but just not for me. I’m usually pretty good about updating my blog and checking my emails, but disclosing my antics on an up-to-the-minute basis is a lil’ bit much. Not to mention, my life isn’t quite that eventful on a regular basis. I found myself “twitting” things like “eating breakfast” or “time for tacos!” – it seemed to somehow always relate to food, which is a big part of my life! =) Anyhow, so that cute lil’ brown box is now gone and has been replaced by the uber cute new pink box!!! Oh yeah! It’s called a Cbox which is short for chatbox. I must admit I have been feeling a lil’ neglected in the comment department (*shedding tear*) so I thought I’d add the chatbox to my page to encourage you to leave me messages! It’s pretty easy (and so are leaving comments!!!) so let the chatting begin! =)