how to stalk me better in 2010.


Do you go through Kim Le Photography withdrawals during day???  Do you wonder what I have eaten for lunch or when I make exciting trips to the post office?  Well fear not, there’s a better way to stalk me.  No not the creepy stalker kind, unless you are Edward Cullen of course (TEAM EDWARD all the way!), but the I-love-Kim-Le-Photography-and-I-want-to-get-all-latest-updates kind of way.  Yes, merry 2010 folks.  This is resolution #9 out of 1,009,088.  Please don’t ask me about #1-8 or #10-1,009,088 – they have yet to be resolved.  Anyhow, so here’s how:

(1) Add the fan page for kim le photography on facebook.  Yes I love facebook.  How did we go through life before without it????

 kim le photography facebook

(2) Follow me on twitter.  Ok I’m still getting use to twitter.  It still freaks me out every time I log onto my twitter on my iphone and I hear a bunch of birds chirping.  Yes I’m strange and yes I follow NKOTB and the Kogi Truck on twitter. Who doesn’t?!

 kim le photography twitter

(3) Subscribe to my RSS feeds for my blog . Ok I don’t know what this really means…but I do know that you will get notified every time I post something new on my blog. And trust me, it’s going to be a lot of new, exciting stuff this year :). Just click on the lil’ blue box below!

rss kim le photography

(4) Show up at every NKOTB concert in California, Nevada or the world.  I will be the lil’ Asian girl with braces screaming her lil’ head off….and apparently licking their tour bus.

nkotb concert

(5) Sign up for a photo session with me!  This should be New Year’s resolution #1 for all of you out there :). I mean, what better way to spend some up close & personal time with me?!  I know, you can’t email me fast enough, can you???

Ok maybe not this up close & personal, but lure me with red velvet cake and And please try to refrain from calling me Braceface in the email. Thanks.

kim le photography blog

And places where you will probably not find me: swimming in the ocean (yet!), anywhere above five feet high, a restaurant serving only ribs, a restaurant serving only ketchup, at a Boston Celtics game and the guy’s house who stole my iphone.

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